H.R. Services For WFOEs in China
Good employees make good businesses. Loyal, hardworking staff are the lifeblood and most valuable asset of every successful enterprise. Working together as a team, employees build a company’s culture, intellectual property, reputation and infrastructure. In China, where thousands of competitors can vie for a slice of the same market share, superior customer service will raise the profile and profits of a business above its competition.
Setting up a business in China means navigating complex HR challenges for foreign companies. At Star Accounting and Consulting, our team will streamline the process of bringing foreign staff into China and make HR compliance a breeze. We will assist with the visa application process and provide clear, solution-based information to ensure your employees remain safe, happy and productive.
Human Resource Services
If you are considering doing business in China, Star Accounting and Consulting’s specialty HR services can be the crucial link to maintain compliance with HR related government regulations in China.
Star Accounting and Consulting’s HR specialists offer a holistic recruitment solution, with expertise in:
– Employee social insurance account management
– Employee housing fund account management
– Payroll management
– Settlement and reporting
– Compiling, submitting and managing work permit and resident permit applications

WFOE and Staffing
Star Accounting and Consulting specialise in setting up foreign businesses in China as Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprises (WFOE). As a WFOE, companies have full control over staffing and human resource decisions. In China, the advantage of establishing a WFOE over Representative Offices (RO) or a Joint Venture (JV), is that the company will not be limited to hiring staff through a government agency.
Furthermore, as a WFOE, your business will have access to more affordable labour options from the Chinese workforce – significantly reducing overheads and boosting your bottom line.
Understanding China’s Labour Laws
Each country has its own fair work and labour laws, China is no exception. Star Accounting and Consulting’s HR consultants can provide advice and guidance to ensure your labour system remains compliant with local labour laws by:
– Articulating and documenting labour regulations for staff
– Educating foreign HR managers and staff in local labour laws
– Audit business operations to ensure compliance is maintained
– Document and report on the integrity of current business practices against prevailing labour laws and provide advice on innovations and improvements.
Let’s Talk About Your WFOE’s HR Needs
Star Accounting and Consulting are proud to be part of the global accounting alliance IECnet, which has a presence in 88 countries and six continents across the world.
We are a comprehensive service provider for foreign companies seeking a bridge into China. Our company registration, HR, accounting outsourcing and tax planning services take away the guesswork out of establishing a business in China. We will work in partnership with you to cross language barriers and form a long-term, profitable, working relationship.
Through our professional HR service, Star Accounting and Consulting is giving you the tools to grow a thriving and successful business in the lucrative Chinese market. Contact Star Accounting and Consulting today, to discuss all your HR needs.